Image Masking Service What is Image Masking ?
Layers are undoubtedly one of the major addition to Photoshop since the first edition of it. But layer masks comes to the second nearest. You cannot grasp Photoshop until you fully understand about masks and how it really works.
For someone, outside the field of graphic design, the term “mask” is not immediately understandable. A mask is a way to apply. In its simplest meaning, it is a process of applying something to a particular part of an image.
Primarily, there are two types of masks: Clipping Masks and Layer masks. These two are the main ones in Photoshop. Such two methods are closely connected in principle but in implementation can be somewhat different. Let us start talking about masks in layers, which are typically, what people are talking about when it comes to discussing about Photoshop masking.
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Layer masks are something you apply to a given layer to manipulate the transparency of the layer’s transparency. When layer opacity checks the transparency of the entire layer. The frame where the layer opacity controls the transparency of the entire layer simultaneously, you can have a control over mask in very specific areas more precisely. If you think that the whole layer is smaller than 30% then you may want to lower the opacity, if you want just the left side of a layer to be at 30% then you can use a mask.
Putting a mask into a layer
If you put a mask into a layer then an invisible gray canvas would cover the whole thing. There are two ways of looking at it but we only know that applying a mask to a layer as a matter of general rule will not cause instantaneous visual results unless you have an activity of selection time.
You can paint white, black or any gray level in between on this invisible canvas. Photoshop is told by the color that you paint, how opaque the pixels can be. White can be known as 100% opacity while Black is 0% opacity.
If a mask was all white with three circles colored in black, grey and white, it would be completely different and have a visible layer. The would have all white areas and spots of transparency in the circles. If it had to be applied this mask to a layer or image the result would be very different from a white background.
Image masking is needed when you are trying to design or improve image quality for catalogs, informative brochures and even fliers. Yet, transparency is one of the major things that should be taken in consideration for maximum significance in terms of image editing and mask since they are main showcase of a product.
The main objective for us is to create something that would bring differences in the images and would attract your targeted customers. In order to do that it is crucial to have a complementing background with your product. Thus, separating the images into layers or masks is easier with Photoshop Image masking. This allows you to adjust the background so you can match the object in the image and focus the product.

Alpha Channel Masking or Raster Masking
The method for masking lucid or semi-translucent photos is called Alpha Channel Masking or also known as “ Raster Masking ” when using Adobe Photoshop. You can create new layers by selecting the tools. But often times, when it gets hard you may then want to hand it over to a professional to Alpha Channel Masking. This method is very effective if you want the edges of your subject to be undisturbed.
Photoshop Transparency Masking
To remove see through objects from their original background, Photoshop Transparency Masking is applied. Especially for images that contain gradient transparencies. For a simple example, you can easily remove a glass without leaving any rough edges. More or less this method is very useful if you are trying achieve the most flawless output from an imag.
Advanced or Complex layer Masking
Adobe Photoshop has an another interesting feature known as complex layer masking. It can be very difficult to function certain concentrated or fine objects in Photoshop such as hair, fur, grains of rice etc. However, Advanced or Complex Layer masking is the best Photoshop that will allow you to extract and crop out such subjects effortlessly. It helps in making the end result look more flawless to replace the background.
Translucent Image Masking
Translucent Image Masking is undoubtedly a very useful tool to separate a transparent object in an image from its background. This is a very popular technique to remove pixels as well. Or you can even say that professionals use this method for effectively removing unnecessary pixels from images for a perfect finish. And to have a perfectly finished image is crucial for running an e-commerce or business. Our team does this job more effectively than one can ever imagine.
Photoshop Collage Masking
The primary function of Photoshop Collage Masking is to eliminate the backdrop from the subject. This method is very popular to mask images for commercial purposes such as leaflets, brochures, catalogs, and then online portals. Nonetheless, Image Masking service is not limited there is a lot more post-processing that needs to be done. In order to create attractive designs that attracts the keen eyes, a combination of various tools and services are needed. Image masking just the tip of iceberg there is a lot more that is done in photoshop.
One of the most innovative tool used for Image Masking and Clipping Path services in Photoshop. The device is perfect in cases where the picture had soft edges and similar background color and other enhancements. This can be defined as a special pen that comes with a Bluetooth pen for drawing.
It is often used to draw delicate lines and sketching the original image with soft edges. Like the cloud, the pen has a bunch of features equipped within it such as the Cloud. In short, the pen tablet can be virtually connected to your computer so that you can make adjustments to your finished image just using Adobe Photoshop. You can also adjust the pen and brush size according to your suiting. This device helps you immensely to cut down your editing time and in the right hands like ours, can ring you excellent results.

What is the difference between Clipping path and image Masking?
Clipping Path and Image masking are on the list of two very useful and effective tools in photo editing techniques. Both of them are used to remove the unwanted object from the background of an image and to isolate a subject from the background. But could Clipping Path and Image masking be different to one another? The answer is simply YES. Clipping Path and Image masking has the same functions. But the way to segregate and isolate a subject from the image. So could there be any difference in between the two processes? When do you think you should use clipping and when masking will be a good time to use? Well, we will find out.
Clipping Path
One of the most basic and essential techniques of image editing is clipping path. Clipping path can home in handy for many purposes such as photo retouching services, color correction, background removal, shadow making and so on. It is then carried out by the use Pen tool in Photoshop to crop out the exact shape, patter, design, hole and design. In most cases, these are used for acute, hard, sharp, smooth and straight edges images. A small flaw can result in unnatural and unrealistic looking image hence; the designers must be very precise and cautious while using the clipping path method. So in order to do it more precisely and for the most accurate crop outs, designers always zoom the images as much as possible. By doing this, designers are able to get closer to the edges and crop out the straight lines easily. This will surely result in making reduce the chances of wasting image quality.
Image Masking
On the hand, Image masking or layer masking is another method for exposing or hide some parts, advanced retouching also background of an image. In cases of many turns, curves, a lot of lines and low details and complex soft edges such as fur and hair, masking is applied. Masking is also used in most special where the subject has the most complex edges such as smoke, fur, human hair, feathers, glasses, sweater, blanket, lightning and flames. Background eraser tool and magic eraser tool carries out the layer masking in Photoshop. Whereas Clipping masking is often used to alter and modify images. Also, it can help in adding a new layer to remove unwanted area or objects from an image. Image Masking is mostly used for commercial purposes such as catalogs, leaflets, brochures, fliers etc. Creative design agencies, media, photography and printing agencies also use image masking to improve the quality of their marketing strategies
Do you know the difference between clipping path and image masking?
So as we have discussed about each of the methods. You may be able to see the main difference between clipping path and image masking. Both the methods are used for background removal and each has its own pros and cons. You can retouch many images at a time with clipping path. On the other with image masking, you can eliminate one object at a time. Clipping path mainly uses pen tool whereas image masking use background eraser tool to remove the subject from the background.
In conclusion, the best way to remove the background from an image is clipping path when the subject of the image has fewer lines, small curves, straight, round or rectangular shapes with a minimum number of holes. Whereas more multifaceted, complex images with so many turns, curves and complexes soft edges is cropped out with image masking. You may use clipping path for cropping out complex images, but the main problem is, it can result in your image looking very unrealistic. The image would have harsh edges and it would not look the best compared to an image edited with image masking.
In conclusion, Clipping path and image masking are mostly needed to extract image backgrounds for online retailing stores, e-commerce products to make the items look more attractive, natural and professional. Clipping path and image masking are undoubtedly very important. And not to forget about the fact that image masking and clipping path are crucial for each and every online e-commerce businesses. If you need a professional image masking and editing service then you can contact us anytime and get your business on the top of the game with the help of our services.
Image masking is an incredible tool that allows the covering or elimination of unwanted items; stuff or other pieces in an image. Many website and online retailing shops use Image masking to enhance their products to attract more clients. If the image you chose, contains unwanted items your product can look bad and damage your company’s marketing strategies.
Most online companies hire photo editinfg providers to conduct image masking operations to increase the quality of the image and to help them promote their product. Our professional photo editing team members undertake this role at an affordable price, while giving your photographs unparalleled efficieny.
Image masking one of the most successful and externalized photo editing works by online businesses. Without Image masking, graphic design becomes inadequate. Nearly all online companies nowadays mask their valuable images.
Two types of image masking are commonly known as vector masking and layer masking. Masking layer is the ideal choice for large images and can be done by anyone. Whereas Vector masking process stands in need of various tools and is much cleaner process.
In addition, a wide range of image masking strategies like the channel mask, alpha mask, layer mask etc that helps to increase the quality of an image. The channel mask is used for flat backgrounds while the masking is generally used for covering. The alpha mask is used to maintain high-quality photos.
Image masking allows one to erase the desired elements in the picture easily without altering the context. You will be able to achieve this task without distorting or disregarding the content of your picture with this editing feature. Image masking often allows the background colors to be omitted, if required.
Image masking is definitely of the most effective method to boost the quality of your photo and make it look more cool and appealing. These services for photo editing are generally used in advertising, graphic design, fashion design and many other companies. It will be a very wise decision if you hired out talented and skilful team of professional photo editors. They can the editing process efficiently and accurately.
Image masking is a non-destructive method. We change our masks later or when we need them to. But it can be hard to get those areas if we need areas later on the process if we remove the unsolicited areas. It’s the same if we crop out a portion or object from the image making path on them. Adjacent areas can’t be easily worked on with clipping path. So, we need the image masking technique to hide some part of the area if we would be cutting the object out.
As mentioned before, the use of masking is very simple. It is just to hide and show parts of an image. Transition effect can be achieved if a very soft brush or gradient masking is used. The transparencies of areas of a picture can also be achieved through image masking. Such as a very shiny sky can be edited out with image masking. You can even make a bright sky dimmer by making the area semi-opaque only brushing the area with a gray color. And certainly, there are other options to achieve this but this the most convenient and easy technique that many opt for.
Photoshop technique has endless possibilities to manifest what you imagine into your picture. So does image masking. Sometimes you may get the same result by applying different methods of Photoshop. Certainly it is up to you, on which method you may be find convenient and which method consumes less but produces the expected outcome. The choice is yours to make. But our team of professional photo editor without any doubt can give you promising results in the most affordable prices.
- When you need to fulfill the requirements of huge online business companies
- Usually to edit images that contain complex textures such as hair or furry elements
- Also, to edit out the background with transparent or translucent images.
- You do not need to use images with sharp edges
- If the color of the product and the color of the backgrounds happens to be the same
If you want boost up your business’s marketing strategies then we can assure that our website opts for the best image masking services that you can ever come across on the internet. The quality service that we provide proves that how much emphasis we put into the quality of our work. We are proud of our highly talented and skilled team of photo editors who help us guarantee you a result with a 100% expected results.
With our services, you get to sit and back relax as you can blindly rely on us knowing that we will get you the best quality services that you opted for. Nothing in this world can stop us from getting the accurate that you want. We will do anything just to see you smile.
Our devoted team of editors are not only the best but they are certified, authorized and are specilists In their fields. We have chosen the each of them very precisely and each of them has proved their excellence by providing the best services which made our clients coming back to us again and again. We certainly have the most talented group of individuals who knows what they are doing.
Our website has covers almost 20 to 30 projects of photo editing every month to help a company run their businesses in the fields of e-commerce. You can read the feedbacks of our satisfied clients who has always thrived for the best results and rated us as the best website for Image masking.
Reasons why we can promise you the best services:
- We maintain the most high quality services in our image masking process
- Our employees are certified and authorized to be the specialist in their fields who ensures you the best services.
- We have set a record of having the most well time maintained service so that you can set back and relax while we get you the service that you hired us for.
- We have a 24 hours service. You can be in any part of the world and we will receive your call. We aren’t like any other websites out there so don’t worry about any bots receiving our calls.
- Our website has the most budget friendly rates that would not only save your pocket but also promise you that you will receive the best. We don’t put up any unecassary charges on our services. We sell the best services in the right rates.
- Our website never fails to dissatisfy our customers. Once you use our service, you won’t go anywhere else,
Image masking is the process of hiding certain portions of an image to reveal some other portions.
No, this is the most non-destructive way of editing image. It is used to change the edges of an object in an image. And it is also used in clipping path to soften out the edges and to crop out different textures such as transparent glass, water, smoke. fur, hair.